Weight loss is a lot about just talking yourself into and out of things you do or do not want to do. From a A perfect vision of myself blog.
I read this sentence yesterday on one of the wonderful weight loss blogs out there, and it rang so very true to me. Having been through this journey before, I know for a fact that weight loss is a lot about negotiating, prodding, encouraging, convincing yourself to make daily choices that support and lead to your desired result. It's about changing your internal dialogue, to repeatedly tell yourself that you are indeed worth the better, healthier choice. That you can in fact take that walk even tough you've had a rough day, that you can resist temptations that come your way, that you deserve every bit of effort and that will indeed be successful in the end. It is no small task as it requires a virtual rewiring of mental patterns and serious change of habits. But it is such a worthy one, because over time, you start believing in your new internal discourse and in yourself. You become more reliable and faithful to yourself. You grow stronger, you have a better hold of yourself and you become your own best friend, ready and able to face anything that comes your way. I should know, I was there 18 months ago and I can't wait to get back!
16 hours ago
Changing our mindset is harder work than it sounds like but it can be done! Good for you for reaffirming an intentional life.
Hey! This is my favourite saying!! I'm glad it resonated with you!
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