I've been thinking that I need to shift my schedule around to better fit my workouts in. Look at my day, I am only now wrapping up my it at almost 11pm and I am exhausted! Had to squeeze my workout in around 8pm... I need to figure out how to get back to my old time love...morning workouts! They were truly greatly for me, allowed me to better plan my days, helped me stay on track and eat healthy all day. Not to mention I was full of energy, relaxed, happy, in control! Working out in the evening is ok, but it's subject to too many temptations...like Oh I've had a rough day why don't I skip my workout? Or Oh well, got caught in a long meeting, guess I won't make it to the gym today. I want to lessen the chance of coming up with such lame excuses but getting my workout out of the way as soon as I wake. That is my priority, so it should be dealt with first right?
I'll see how I can slowly move towards that cause I do not want to overwhelm myself with too many changes at once. Gotta pace myself and ease back into it. One change at a time...
I am going to turn in, signing off with a reminder of why early morning exercise is sooo good! K.
Benefits of working out in the morning
. Morning Exercisers Stick With It
Studies have shown that people who exercise in the morning, or being a morning exercise routine, are more likely to still be exercising one year later, when compared to those who exercise at other times of the day.
2. Morning Exercisers Have More Energy
Although you may have to drag yourself out of bed in the morning, the energy you create by exercising in the morning will sustain you through the day. You will have more energy to go to work, take care of the kids, or do whatever it is you do all day.
You also have more energy to exercise in the morning, than after a long day of work or childcare.
3. Morning Exercisers Sleep Better
Exercising in the morning will help you sleep better at night. By getting up earlier, you will go to sleep earlier, hopefully finding your natural sleep cycle. Working out in the evening hours can create an adrenalin rush that may be hard to come down from and get some sleep.
4. Morning Exercisers Eat Better
A psychological and nutritional benefit that comes with morning exercise is a day of eating better. When wake up early to exercise, and spend an hour or more actually exercising before doing anything else, you willapproach eating with a different mentality than if you exercise in the evening.
It is easier to avoid temptation and talk yourself out of eating unhealthily when you spend your waking hours sweating away the pounds. The fact that you got up and did something healthy andpositive for you body will keep you from indulging or making the wrong food choices.
5. Morning Exercisers Are in a Better Mood
Another added benefit of a morning work out is enjoying the positive mood you have created. You will be proud of yourself for getting up an exercising. You will feel clear and calm by exercising in the morning.
16 hours ago
Everything you said here about morning exercise is so true! I also find I'm much less stressed when I get out to exercise in the morning. I, too, have gotten off my morning routine though. Winter was tough. Thanks for this post. It's motivating me to get back to the routine!
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