Muscle memory can best be described as a type of movement with which muscles become familiar over time. This is extremely important in different types of sports. The more often you do a certain activity, the more likely you are to do it as needed, when needed because your body already knows how to do it and remembers it.
After my past two workout sessions, I think the above might be very very true. I spent 34 rather intense minutes on the elliptical this evening, and walked for 55 mins yesterday, something I thought impossible at the beginning of this week. Last Tuesday I struggled to complete my 18 mins walk, mostly because I've had virtually no exercise in 16 months, but also because it is hard to carry all this weight. As the week's gone by though, I am finding out that I can actually get a decent workout in, although at a much slower pace. I am happy to see that I still have stamina, my muscles do not overly burn, my heart is holding its own, AND I am beginning to see changes in my mood and mental disposition---just like old times, feeling the effects of the endorphins and starting to believe that Yes Indeed, I can!
This is absolutely priceless to me, I could cry of gratitude right now. I still have a loooonng way to go, and the road will surely be paved with numerous challenges but I am grateful my body's so faithful as to cooperate with me despite all the abuse and neglect I've put it through. I am grateful it understands...
17 hours ago
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