April 22nd! i love this day. I honestly think it is just about the best looking and sounding day anyone could come up with..I honestly do. Wonder if everybody feels the same about their birthdays? lol. Anywho, I woke up well today, in very good spirits, ready to bask in my own day. I thank God for seeing me through to this day. I thank Him for journeying with me and blessing me so abundantly. I surrender the past and all that is to come to HIm. He knows my heart's desires and fears, I trust His plan will favor me.
On this day I came to be, my thoughts are never far from the woman who made it all possible: my mum. I miss her so much today. It's just not the same without her. I realize 33 years ago this was the happiest day of her life.
This is indeed the day that inextricaly brought us together, and she always rushed to wish me a happy one before everyone else. I thank God for all of her.
I have a full day ahead of me, and I've decided to relax about my diet a bit today in celebration of me. I won't go crazy or anything, but will let loose a bit, hoping the scale will be understanding? yes? ;-(. Lol. Then it is right back on track tomorrow. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!
16 hours ago
Happy K day!!!! xx
Happy,Happy,Birthday K.
Have a Blessed one and yes enjoy a treat on your day!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday! Hope you enjoy it!
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