Not sure what just happened but a minute ago I wrote this long day 2 update and now I can't find it. Odd. the gist of what I was saying in it is as follows:
1. I survived day one of detox and conditioning for the road ahead, despite hunger pangs and a spliting headache. that told me I have to plan my meals better, the goal being to nourish myself well, not deprive my body. So I packed a fuller, yet very healthy lunch and snacks for today.
2. I still did not manage to sleep by 10. I was in bed by then but was engrossed in a mystery movie that only ended at 11:15, so that is when I fell asleep. Got to get a better handle on that sleeping time.
3. Woke up relatively on time, after 8+ hours of sleep, and faced the scale. I weigh everyday because it helps me understand my body better. It's made me recognize then I ovulate (sorry male readers), when I've had too much sodium, when I am retaining water cause of white rice ingestion, etc. So I weighed again today hoping to see a drop in weight due to water retention, etc. And much to my suprise, that liar of a scale showed me a 6.2 lbs increase in weight! Can believe it? so clearly I wasn't 299.4 lbs yesterday, the darn thing tricked me-either that-or the universe was trying to help a sister out by not letting her see that she was over 300 lbs on day one! Either way I am still way beyond the 320 lbs I thought I'd see yesterday, and it is fine. Really.
4. got my workout in. I ran into my former trainer and other familiar faces at the gym. No biggie. Got the job done at a slightly faster pace than yesterday at that, and then bounced out of there!
5. Having a splendid day so far, though a bit sore from 2 days of exercising a 300+ body, but I like it. I am taking steps in the right direction, and I will not stop.
Kave a wonderful day everyone.
17 hours ago
You think? swimming doesn't work fast thought does it?
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