I caught Geneen Roth's interview on Oprah Radio and her conversation with Oprah spoke to me to the point where I immediately bouught the book, which seems to have launched a mini revolution, lol. I missed last week's rerun of her visit to the Oprah TV show, but am looking forward to diving into the book and hopefully reaching my breakthrough. One of my favorite coaches Cheryl richardson posted the below on her webiste today:
Ending the War: Food as a doorway to your Self
I’ve just finished moderating a 6-week web retreat with Geneen Roth, author of Women Food and God. I accepted Geneen’s invitation because I loved her book, respect her as a teacher, and wanted to learn more about food as a doorway to a deeper relationship with myself. I’m so glad I did. The course was eye opening, mind shifting, and provocative in all the right ways. Here are just a few of the lessons I learned from the experience. I hope they speak to you.
What my mind and my mouth tell me to eat is rarely what my body wants.
What my mind tells me to do in relationship to exercise is rarely how my body wants to move.
My head and heart often make my food and exercise choices, not my body.
How I eat is how I live. If I’m rushed, overwhelmed, or irritated, for instance, I eat on the run, shovel food in my mouth to get meals over with, or make food choices designed to numb my frazzled nerves. These behaviors do not support weight loss or a vibrant and healthy body.
Deprivation, restrictions, and rigid rules will always lead right back to poor food choices, rebellious overeating, and a “what the hell” attitude. It’s requires a paradigm shift to get that we change with love, not with demands.
Diets teach us to rely on something outside of ourselves – a program, a set of guidelines, or the numbers on a scale. This approach is the opposite of what we need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It all starts on the inside, by listening to your body and your highest Self.
Ending the war with food is about beginning a relationship with myself based on trust. Staying awake and listening to my body so I eat when I’m hungry, eat what my body wants, and stop when I’m full, is the path to creating a more loving and trusting relationship with myself.
When we learn to trust ourselves with food, an even bigger world opens up to us.
If you’re interested in calling a truce when it comes to your war with food and weight loss, I suggest you sit with each of the seven lessons above. Then, if you’d like to go deeper, you might want to get the archive package of Geneen’s course (you can find it here). Please know that her program is not a quick fix. As Geneen said during the last session: “This path isn’t about losing weight quickly, it’s about connecting with who you really are – the part of you that doesn’t weigh a pound.” Love that…
Take Action Challenge
This week, contemplate this piece of wisdom from Geneen:
“How you eat is how you live.”
How is your relationship with food a mirror for your life?
I found this week’s video on a Twitter post from Tony Robbins. It’s adorable and the message is important ☺. You can find it here.
17 hours ago
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